by Sannyasi Gyanshruti & Sannyasi Srividyananda
There are certain classical systems, the revival of whose pure form can bring about a spiritual revolution. Yajna is one such system. Yajna is a science as well as an act of faith. As a science, it is a precision-based series of rituals that have been part of the Indian psyche or over 4000 years through the medium of the Vedas. The classical literature, assiduously preserved, contains the methodology as well as the philosophy of yajnas. It also forms the basis of this book.
It is, however, faith that makes the experience of yajna spontaneous and elevating, and this is achieved only when we attempt to invoke and surrender to the divinity inherent in the practice of yajna, or when the experience descends to us from realized masters.
One such master is Swami Satyananda Saraswati, who inspired the yogic renaissance in the twentieth century. Since the early 1960s, Sri Swamiji has unveiled to the world many sciences from the ancient Indian scriptures, previously considered secret and esoteric.
As an exponent of yoga, Sri Swamiji integrated the different systems of yoga and showed how they could be adapted and applied to meet the needs of all. He also introduce recitation of Saundarya Lahari and chanting of the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishadic verses. In 1990, a landmark year, Sri Swamiji began Panchagni Sadhana. From an ardent proponent of yoga and a (supposedly) strict guru, he transformed into a soft, compassionate and serene person who now talked only of bhakti, the importance of surrender and the ecstasy of seva.
Since 1995, Sri Swamiji has taken us through yet another important aspect of Vedic lifestyle - yajna. He has presented the Rajasooya Yajna in a rediscovered from, with Sat Chandi Yajna as its base. As he says, "Yajna is a very powerful tool or inspiring and enlightening human consciousness. It includes the body, mind, faith, mantra, ritual as well as your entire life. This combination makes yajna a very potent tool or metamorphosis and transformation. The body, mind and mantras all unite to produce a special effect which changes your thinking and your life. When this total participation takes place, you can know yourself and converse with your inner being."
Every satsang by Sri Swamiji is a special experience of learning and bliss. But the happiest moment of my life came when he mentioned, in a satsang, that I should undertake a study of the yajna process contained in the Vedic literature.
As a physics student working on matters relating to atomic radiation protection, I had always been fascinated by the two approaches to understanding the structure of the universe: the matter-centric approach of scientists and the spirit-centric belie of philosophers - and the two approaches always seemed to run parallel!
Both approaches us the smallest entity to understand the largest. The scientific approach uses matter, particles. Atoms and the structure of matter to understand the universe. The other follows the subtle path, using the mind, intellect, senses, etc. to reach extrasensory perception. One employs research tools, systematic experiments, deductive logic, and the other prefers contemplation and meditation. The first school of thought postulates the 'Big Bang' theory or the creation of the universe, and the second believes that creation issued forth from Supreme's desire to become many from one.
In yajna, both approaches find congruence. As Sri Swamiji says, "Yajna is a scientific process which includes a most important thing-faith.
Furthermore, Sri Swamiji has also given a significant definition of yajna. Speaking about the importance of yajna in the life of a householder, he said, "Yajna does not just mean a ritual where pooja items are consigned to the flames and dedicated to God. The word yajna consists of three syllables - ya, ja and na, which refer to the three processes uparjana, i.e. production (ya), distribution (ja) and assimilation (na). There has to be a balance between these three components. Sharing one's wealth with other members of society is of topmost value."
With this understanding of combining the material with the spiritual, science with faith, the microcosmos with the macrocosmos, I have made an attempt to discover their meeting points through the medium of the most ancient ritual connecting human beings with the divine essence - yajna.
Back of the Book
Yajna is the most ancient ritual connecting human beings with the divine essence. It is not merely a ire sacrifice, but a combination of esoteric and exoteric elements to propitiate the cosmic energies. The spirit inherent in yajna is service and sacrifice as a way of life. In ancient Vedic society, yajna was an integral part of daily life, and played a vital role in providing communal prosperity, social peace and harmony with nature.
This book offers a comprehensive survey of yajna as embodied in the Vedic tradition, looking at the structure, source and significance of the rituals and their relevance in this century. Rediscovery of the classical methodology and purpose of yajna can be a powerful tool for the transformation of human consciousness.
Preface | xiii |
1. Yajna-A Celebration of Life | 1 |
2. Introduction to the Yajna Tradition | 4 |
Genesis of yajna | 4 |
Rig Veda | |
Yajur Veda | |
Shatapatha Brahmana | |
Bhagavad Gita | |
Puranas | |
Vedas, Vedic dharma and yajna | 8 |
Purushartha and kratvartha | |
Birth of Vedic Concept of yajna | |
Etymology of the term 'yajna' | 11 |
Universal principle of give and take | 12 |
Relevance of yajna today | 15 |
Vastness of yajna | 15 |
Yajna-foundation of life | 16 |
3. Vedic Foundations of Yajna | 18 |
Foundation of the concept of yajna | |
Culture | 19 |
Culture and civilization | 21 |
Culture and religion | 23 |
Culture and literature | 25 |
Plinth of the yajna structure | 26 |
The Vedas collectively | |
Parts of the Vedas | |
Samhita | |
Brahmanas | |
Aranyakas | |
Upanishads | |
What are the Vedas? | |
Why study the Vedas? | |
Subjects of the Vedas | |
Original form of the Vedas | |
Origin of the Vedas | |
The Vedas individually | 34 |
Rig Veda | |
Yajur Veda | |
Sama Veda | |
Arthava Veda | |
Usage of the work 'brahman' | |
Brahmana Granthas | |
Aranyaka | |
Upanishads | |
Vedangas | |
Puranas | |
Supportive articles of the yajna structure | 41 |
Mantras | 41 |
Devatas | 41 |
Dravya | 43 |
4. Devata -the Luminary in a Yajna | 46 |
The concept of devata | 46 |
Etymology of the term 'devata' | 47 |
Characteristics of devatas | 48 |
Importance of devata dhyanam | 49 |
Yoga and devata dhyanam | 51 |
Number of devatas | 52 |
Devatas in Vedic verses | 54 |
Forms of devatas | 56 |
Functions of devatas from the three lokas | 57 |
Description of devatas | 57 |
1. Prithivi based devatas | |
2. Antariksha based devatas | |
3. Dyu loka-based devatas | |
4. Vishvedeva | |
5. Devatas in smarta yajna | |
6. Tantra and tantric devatas | |
7. Other devatas | |
5. Tripolar Interpretations of Yajna | 72 |
Three debts | 72 |
Three meanings of yajna | 74 |
Worship | |
Congregation | |
Daan | |
Three parts of dravya yajna | 79 |
Spiritual aspect of yajna | 79 |
Process of spiritualization | |
Yogic understanding | |
Yajna as the first step in | |
Spirituality | |
Individual effort | |
Yajna in the universe | 84 |
Principle of sacrifice in universal yajna | |
Metaphoric expression of rishis | |
6. Classifications of Yajna | 89 |
Role of Agni in dravya yajna | 89 |
Laukikagni | |
Yajnagni | |
Classification by type of sacrifice | 91 |
Classification of dravya yajna | 91 |
Classification by Vedic text | 92 |
Classification by purpose | 93 |
Classification by havi dravya | 94 |
Classification by yajna samstha | 94 |
Classification by procedure | 96 |
7. Mechanics of Yajna | 97 |
Shulba Sutras | 98 |
Principal structures at a yajnashala | 100 |
Significance of the areas of a yajnashala | 103 |
Important entities of a yajnashala | 104 |
Agni kundas | 104 |
Utkara | 105 |
Dhishnya | 105 |
Vedi | 105 |
8. Ingredients and Implements of Yajna | 108 |
Yajna ingredients | 108 |
Havi dravya | 109 |
Classification of havi dravya | |
Preparing the havi | |
Arhaniya dravya | 112 |
Dakshina dravya | 112 |
Yajna implements | 112 |
Yajna trees | 113 |
Implements and utensils | 115 |
Important yajna implements | 116 |
9. External Yajna-Procedures and Performance | 124 |
Yajnic terminology | 125 |
Karma and Vedic karma | |
Yogic and Vedic samskara | |
Vedic karma and the journey of the soul | 127 |
Understanding samskaras | 129 |
Vedic karmas: an overview | 130 |
Vedic karma: | |
samskara-oriented | 131 |
Purifying samskaras | 131 |
Cultivating samskaras | 133 |
Augmenting samskaras | 134 |
Vedic karma: yajna-oriented | 135 |
Shrauta yajna: | |
general information | 135 |
The main process | 137 |
The host (yajamana) | 137 |
The priests (ritvij) | 139 |
Role and responsibility of priests | 141 |
Hotri group | |
Adhvaryu group | |
Udgitha group | |
Brahma group | |
Honorarium-dakshina | 148 |
Expiation (prayaschita) | 150 |
Resolve (sankalpa) of host | 150 |
Sacred fire | 150 |
Sacred piece of land (yajna bhoomi) | 153 |
Yajna venue (yajnashala) | 153 |
Articles of oblation (havi dravya) | 155 |
Yajna implements (yajnayudha) | 156 |
Auspicious time (yajna muhurta) | 156 |
Helpers for miscellaneous activities (parikarmi) | 156 |
Shrauta yajna: description | 157 |
Shrauta purifying yajnas | 157 |
Shrauta cultivating yajnas | 158 |
1. Agnyadheya | |
2. Agnihotra | |
3. & 4. Darshapoornamaseshti | |
5. Navasyeshti | |
6. Chaturmasya | |
7. Pashubandha | |
Shrauta augmenting yajnas | 169 |
1. Agnishtoma | |
2. Ukthya | |
3. Shodashi | |
4. Atiratra | |
5. Atyagnishtoma | |
6. Aptoryama | |
7. Vajapeya | |
Smarta yajnas: | |
General information | 173 |
General structure | 174 |
Rituals (based on graha yajna) | 176 |
Planning a smarta yajna | 181 |
Selecting the venue | |
Raising the structure | |
Yajnyagni and agni kunda | |
Priests | |
Yajna samagri | |
Selecting an auspicious time | |
The daily program | |
Maha yajnas | 192 |
Maha soma yajna | 192 |
Pancha maha yajna | 194 |
10. Internal Yajna | 195 |
Purusha Sukta and yajna | 196 |
Purusha at three levels | |
Sacrifice as the cause of creation of the universe | |
Re-sacrifice of the created elements | |
Cause of re-creation | |
Trisuparnam Sukta and yajna | 199 |
Chandogya Upanishad and life as yajna | 201 |
Bhagavad Gita and yajna | 203 |
Yajna in nature revisited | |
11. The Environment and Yajna | 210 |
Ecology according to modern science | 210 |
Atmosphere | |
Environment | |
Vedic view of ecology | 212 |
Dynamic equilibrium in the universe | 213 |
GnT law | |
Mechanism of Nature | |
Imbalance among components-pollution | 215 |
Causes of imbalance | 216 |
Air pollution | |
Water pollution | |
Land pollution | |
Effects of imbalance | 217 |
Hole in ozone layer | |
Diseases produced by polluted air | |
Unhealthy minds | |
Yajna as corrective action | 219 |
Purifying the atmosphere | |
Science of oblation | |
Concept of good rain (suvrishti) | |
Vedic theory of cloud formation | |
Recorded impact of yajna | 225 |
12. Yajna for the Enhancement of Life | 228 |
Pancha maha yajnas | 229 |
Brahma Yajna | 231 |
Vedic interpretation | |
Modern adaption | |
Vaishvadeva yajna | 234 |
Vedic interpretation | |
Modern adaption | |
Prerequisites for pancha maha yajna | 237 |
Sandhya | |
Surya namaskara | |
Annexure 1- | |
Vedic Literature: Structure and Content | 247 |
Rig Veda | 247 |
What is the Rig Veda? | |
What is the Rig Veda Samhita? | |
Branches of Rig Veda Samhita | |
Form of Rig Veda | |
Structure of Rig Veda | |
Yajur Veda | 254 |
Branches of Yajur Veda | |
Sama Veda | 258 |
Atharva Veda | 260 |
Brahmana Granthas | 261 |
Particulars of extant Brahmanas | |
Aitareya Brahmana | |
Taittiriya Brahmana | |
Shatapatha Brahmana | |
Tandya Brahmana | |
Gopatha Brahmana | |
Aranyakas | 275 |
Upanishads | 275 |
Vedangas | 277 |
Shiksha | |
Kalpa | |
Vyakarana | |
Nirukta | |
Chandas | |
Jyotish | |
Puranas | 287 |
Annexure 2 - | |
Impressions of Vedic Society | 297 |
Some misconceptions | 298 |
The origins | 300 |
The time frame | 302 |
Appendix - | |
Popular Smarta Yajnas | 303 |
Ganesha yaga | 304 |
Nava graha yaga | 307 |
Vishnu yaga | 311 |
Rudra yaga | 314 |
Chandi yaga | 317 |
Glossary | 321 |
Bibliography | 360 |
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